Moving Companies in East Windsor, CT

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4 Best Moving Companies in East Windsor, CT

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  • 1. Which Moving Firm Is Nearby in East Windsor, CT?

    You can find the closest moving firm near you in East Windsor, CT by checking the "Check map" icon.
  • 2. Which Moving Firm in East Windsor, CT Is the Best?

    CubeSmart Self Storage is the best moving firm in East Windsor, CT, which gets a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 77 reviews. Below is one of the most recent comments on this moving firm.
    "Buildings aren’t taken care of and fixes if someone backs into or hits them. A lot of my items and boxes were damaged due to a big opening on the corner of the unit because numerous people had hit it over the 9 years we had our stuff there. Nobody ever fixed the building, there was so much sand, dirt, sticks inside the unit. Nevermind mice could come in and out freely since the opening was huge. We found mouse droppings in some of our boxes and there were things chewed on. They always made sure to call you if you were a few days late on your unit but in 9 years they never touched the building to fix the damage. Also when it snows all they do is plow the lot with a plow. And they try and get as close as they can to the doors but if we had a good amount of snow we still had to shovel out in front of our unit so we could get into it. Also the turnover rate of managers and employees at this location was crazy in the 9 year period we were there. The place we moved our stuff to is extremely clean, neat and well taken care of and the staff is extremely nice and their overall policies are better then Cubesmarts."
  • 3. Are There Any Movers That Offer Long-Distance Moving Services?

    Yes. You can look through the websites of the moving companies in East Windsor, CT to understand more about it. Or you can call (888) 228-3922 for more specific information.
  • 4. How Much Will It Cost to Move in East Windsor, CT?

    Prices differ amongst companies that provide moving services. You may estimate your expenditures with the help of our moving cost calculator.
  • 5. How to Select the Best Moving Firm in East Windsor, CT?

    Check out the customer reviews for the moving companies on the list above. You can also find the best moving company on this website.
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